Rushden and Wallington Parish Council


Rushden and Wallington Parish Council Meeting 

to be held on 

Monday 18th January 2016 In Wallington Village Hall at 8.15pm

Members of the public and press are invited to attend this meeting.

Agenda for the Rushden and Wallington Parish Council Meeting  

16/001  To receive and accept apologies for absence


16/002  Declarations of interest and dispensations

a) To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda

b) To receive written requests for dispensations for declarable interests

c) To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate

16/003   To confirm the Minutes of the Rushden and Wallington Parish Council Meeting     

  held on 14 September 2015.


16/004   To receive a report from the District Councillor.


16/005   To receive a report from the County Councillor.


16/006   To decide whether there is a need for the Parish Council to have Standing Orders.


16/007   To discuss the new rules being brought in for the appointment of an auditor.


16/008   To receive an update on the lease of the land in Wallington.


16/009   To receive an update on the issue of the cost of grass cutting in Rushden.


16/010   To receive an update on drainage works in the villages


16/011   To decide on the amount of precept to request for 2016/17


16/012  To consider giving consent for the diversion of Footpath no 22 in Wallington.


16/013   To discuss the council’s ‘Recycle Right’ campaign.


16/014   To discuss the request for a donation to Sandon Sports Club  


16/015   To confirm the continuation of membership of HAPTC for 2016/17


16/016    To discuss the current position regarding defibrillators for the two villages


16/017    To receive an update from the Clerk on the position regarding  the Transparency Fund


16/018     To receive an update regarding the claim for return of VAT payments


16/019     To discuss the request from Community Officer, Sue Hardy, to inform her of any potential grant

                applications during the year 2016/17


16/020     To consider Planning Application, Case Ref No: 16/00030/1


16/021     To consider putting forward a nomination for the Buckingham Palace Garden Party on Tuesday

                10th May 2016


16/022     To suggest agenda items for the next meeting of the Parish Council