Rushden and Wallington Parish Council


Rushden and Wallington Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of Rushden and Wallington Parish Council Meeting

held on Monday 12th January 2015 at 8.00pm


Minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously agreed.

It was unanimously agreed to accept the draft lease on the Land in Wallington and to go ahead with the process of leasing the land.


An update on the Rushden Noticeboard was received.  The £500 grant from North Herts Council has been received. The work on the board should start betweenthe end of February / beginning of April.  


It was unanimously agreed to extend the Parish Council insurance policy to include cover for theft and damage to the telephone boxes in Rushden and Wallington.  For a whole year the extra premium would be around £27.


Some discussion ensued about possible uses for the phone boxes.  It was suggested that the views of residents should be sought.  It was agreed that a box for suggestions will be put in each phone box.  


It was stated that Wallington’s phone box is in need of decoration.  Some residents in the village have expressed a willingness to undertake the necessary painting.  


An application from Sandon Sports Club for funding for ongoing maintenance of the Sports Pavilion was discussed.  It was unanimously agreed to donate £500 to Sandon Sports Club.  


It was unanimously agreed to continue membership of HAPTC for 2015/16 at a cost of £229.


It was unanimously agreed to discontinue membership of NHAPTTC for 2015/16.


The request from Wallington residents for dog waste bins was discussed.  District Councillor,           SteveJarvis, reported that there may be changes in the way the council collects dog  waste. He will investigate.  He assured the meeting that there should be no problem getting a grant towards the cost of the bins.  Research will need to be carried out to decide where would be the best place to site the bins.


Report of District Councillor, Steve Jarvis


Steve talked about the Local Plan for housing.  He confirmed that no sites in either Rushden or Wallington had been identified for housing development.  However, the plans for the housing development north of Baldockmay have an impact on the villages when it comes to schools.  If these houses are built another secondary school will have to be built as well as more primary schools.  The schools are not likely to be built until after the houses, potentially creating a shortage of places during the interim period until the extra school places are available.  More information about this is available on the Rushden Website.  Comments on the councils plan for housing have to be given by 6 February.  The clerk will forward the views of the Parish Council to the relevant council department before this date.


Steve also reported that the problems that had been experienced with the school buses should have now been resolved.


Other Business


Drainage/Water Problems in Rushden and Wallington

Chris had had a meeting to discuss the drainage problems in Rushden.  He was told that a road closure would be applied for to allow the works to be carried out, and in the meantime the culvert would be rodded and dredged.  He also said that Frank would be contacted to discuss the Wallington situation.


Kate reported that the situation in Wallington is very bad.  She contacted the local MP.  Subsequently she has heard from County Councillor, Tony Hunter, who said that he will be using his ‘locality budget’ to fund the necessary work.


Linda reported a fallen tree in need of attention in Green Lane, Rushden.  She will look into this.  She also said that some of the 30mph signs were being partially hidden by foliage.  She and Chris will cut this back to make the signs clearly visible.


Kate had just received the Public Liability Insurance billfor Wallington Common and ponds.  It was unanimously agreed that the clerk should pay this.


It was decided that the date for Rushden Parish Assembly will be Monday 20 April 2015.


It was decided that the date for Wallington Parish Assembly will be Thursday 23 April 2015.


It was decided that the date for Rushden and Wallington Annual Parish Council will be Monday 18 May 2015 in Wallington Village Hall.


The meeting closed at 9.35pm.